
11 year old Fraser raises money for charity

11 year old Fraser raises money for charity

28 March 2020

100 km Challenge

11 year old Fraser is running 100k, 5k at a time for Frimley Health Charity because he wants to do something for our local NHS hospitals

Read Fraser’s story:


Right now our NHS means more to us than ever and I want to help if I can.

Hi! I am Fraser, a Year 6 student from Surrey. Along with the rest of my year it looks like I will be spending the rest of my primary school time at home.

As part of our keep fit routine (thanks Joe Wickes for the 9am wake up workout!) I plan to run 100k in 5k chunks over the next month.

My target is to complete the whole 100k in less than 10 hours.

Either Mum or Dad will come along to keep an eye on me (though they will probably only see my back for most of the run).

If you can help please hit the donate button below and give whatever you can to the Frimley Health Charity.

The official start to my 100k attempt will be on Monday 30th March.

Check out my Dad’s Facebook page ( for updates.

Support Fraser today

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