Pay in Your Fundraising


Pay in your sponsorship money online here!

Please remember to specify in the comments box what activity or event you did and what area or department you are supporting, so we can make sure it is added to your total.

Cash/Paper Registration Form

Please don’t send us cash in the post! If you have cash, you can bring it to the main reception of either Frimley Park or Wexham Park Hospital and someone from the fundraising team would be happy to see you. Alternatively, if you are unable to drop your sponsorship off and would prefer to pay the cash into your bank and then transfer the funds to us via our website, please see link above.

If you have a paper sponsorship form, we kindly ask that you bring this with you when you drop your money off, or if paying online then email it to, this is to ensure we can maximise claiming Gift Aid.


Cheques (made payable to Frimley Health Charity) can be sent by post to: Frimley Health Charity

Frimley Park Hospital
Portsmouth Road
GU16 7UJ

Please remember to include your details with anything you post to us, otherwise it will be difficult for us to identify who to thank and where the money needs to go. Please include any paper sponsorship forms as well.

In Person

As mentioned above, you can bring any cash or cheques to the main reception of either Frimley Park or Wexham Park Hospital and someone from the fundraising team would be happy to see you. We are open Monday – Friday, 9.00am until 5.00pm.

Online Sponsorship Page

If you have an online sponsorship page (for example on JustGiving or Enthuse) then all the money you’ve raised will come directly to us, you don’t need to do anything else.

Matched Giving

If you are expecting matched giving from your employer, please contact us to let us know. Often these monies come to us without any details so we can’t add it to the total you’ve raised unless you let us know.


Frimley Health Charity’s sole purpose is to enhance the care of patients in our hospitals above and beyond that provided by the NHS. We work hard with the hospitals to ensure that the charity is providing the added extras that genuinely enhance the healthcare available to your local community in a way that would not otherwise be possible.

Find out more

Contact us

Email us on or call 0300 6153206 with any questions or for any further information. We’re here to support you 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. 

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