Complaints Process

As the Charity for Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust we are firmly committed to the Trust’s values. These are summarised as Committed to Excellence, Working Together and Facing the Future

  • We are committed to excellence in everything we do
  • We are working together as one team
  • We are facing the future, continuously adapting and improving our performance

We aim to be the best we can and be friendly, courteous, compassionate and caring at the same time. We are open and honest and challenge our performance to improve wherever we can.  If you have concerns the following notes will guide you so that you know how to raise them:

Get in touch to raise a concern

If you would like to raise a concern, make a complaint – or even pass on a compliment – you can do so using the procedure below.

Your views are important to us and we take them seriously. We are committed to high standards in everything that we do, but realise that sometimes things can go wrong and that not everyone will agree with everything we do.

We welcome feedback because it helps us to develop and improve our services and make sure we communicate with our supporters and partners in ways which they value.

We promise to take your complaint seriously and to respond quickly to your concerns.

Please contact us as follows:

Call: 0300 615 3206


Write: Frimley Health Charity, Frimley Park Hospital, Portsmouth Road, Frimley, Surrey  GU16 7UJ

A member of the team will contact you within five working days and will do everything they can to resolve your concerns. If you contact us by phone, we hope to be able to address your concerns there and then. A written acknowledgement will be sent within five working days. Where possible, you will receive a full written response within 15 working days.

  1. If you are not satisfied with the initial response, you can contact Andrew House, Charity Director (same contact details as above), who will look into your concern.
  2. If you are not satisfied with this response, you can write to the Carol Deans Director of Communications and Engagement (same address as above). If you are still not satisfied then you can write to the chair of our Charitable Funds Committee (same address as above). Our Trustee (Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust) is ultimately responsible for the governance of Frimley Health Charity and for ensuring we act at all times in an honest and transparent manner, and that we adhere to our fundraising promise.

At each of these stages, we will acknowledge your query within five working days, investigate your concern within seven working days and advise you promptly of the outcome. If we are unable to meet this timetable – if a key member of staff is on leave, for example – we will contact you to inform you.

We will always seek to ensure your concerns are fully addressed when you contact us, and when things go wrong we appreciate you giving us the opportunity to put them right.

However, we recognise there may be times when you would wish an independent body to investigate your concerns. The Fundraising Regulator is the independent regulator of charitable fundraising and one of its roles is to investigate cases where fundraising practices have led to significant public concern.

In order to ask the Fundraising Regulator to investigate, you must first have given us the opportunity to resolve your concern or complaint through our own internal process.

The Fundraising Regulator’s contact details are:

The Fundraising Regulator, 1st Floor, 10 St Bride Street, London  EC4A 4AD   Telephone: 0300 999 3404


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