
FHC Supports Mental Health First Aid Training Courses

FHC Supports Mental Health First Aid Training Courses

The Frimley Health Charity has been in existence for 25 years, supporting three hospitals located in England within the Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust. Its purpose is to enhance patient care through funding state of the art equipment and facilities and ensuring the wellbeing of patients and staff.

Due to the pandemic, front line hospital staff have been fulfilling demanding and stressful roles as they work in intensive care units and COVID-19 wards- giving rise to a new set of mental challenges. Research shows that if staff are well supported, engaged, and feel well at work they are better placed to deliver quality care to their patients.

Frimley Health Charity are incredibly proud to support the Trust with Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training across the whole organisation, helping managers and staff recognise the signs of mental illness, reduce stigma and become empowered.

Over 100 staff members have taken part in this first aid course and the feedback received has been truly incredible:

“I have signposted staff to multiple agencies which I did not know before, I have felt empowered … I feel much more confident in managing difficult situations and to ask the questions about staff who are struggling and not hide away from it”

“I have been approached by staff in my department for support and outside of work, I helped a lady who had attempted to take her own life”

“Very good course. The instructors using personal experiences was greatly appreciated and helped understand some of the aspects of the course.”

FHC will continue to support the Trust as we work towards more employees being able to attend this course and look after their mental health as well as their colleagues. If you would like to support us and the work we do please do click on the link below:


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