
Couple got engaged whilst in Frimley Park Hospital

Couple got engaged whilst in Frimley Park Hospital

23 August 2019

Couple’s Journey of the Heart Cycle Challenges

Raising £2000 for Frimley Park and St Georges Hospitals

In January 2018, Pete became seriously ill with a condition called ‘Infective Endocarditis’. He had an aggressive bacteria in his blood which found its way into his heart and damaged one of his heart valves.

18 months on, Pete will be cycling 100 miles on 6th September!

Pete’s story:

Spending over three months in hospital, Pete received extensive treatment at both of Frimley Park and St Georges hospitals, including:

  • 4 ambulance rides
  • countless hours of antibiotic care delivered by nurses, doctors and microbiologists
  • 3 PICC lines inserted by the venous access team
  • 5 hip X-rays, 4 chest X-rays, 2 CT scans, 1 CT head angiogram, 1 heart angiogram, 5 ultrasounds, 6 MRI scans, and too many echo cardiograms to count, all performed by the radiology, cardiology, and neurology teams
  • a heart drain inserted by the cardiac team
  • a hip aspiration performed by the orthopaedic team
  • a keyhole hip wash-out performed by the orthopaedic team
  • open-heart surgery performed by the cardiac surgery team
  • washes, showers and toilet trips assisted by nurses and health care assistants
  • the amazing physios who managed to help him get himself out of bed, despite only having one working limb
  • meals, cups of tea and biscuits delivered by the catering teams
  • taxi rides all over the hospital performed by the amazing team of tour guide porters
  • visits carried out by chaplaincy teams
  • and all the times a member of staff just noticed that he was feeling down and sat and held his hand.

Mim at Pete’s bedside

Pete and Mim got engaged whilst in Frimley Park Hospital and had many date nights at St Georges. In March this year, Mim and Pete got married and life is looking mostly normal now. Pete’s health continues to improve and they have even enjoyed getting out on their bikes together.

Support them today and read more of Pete’s story!

On the 6th September, Pete, joined by his friends Brownie and Tim, will be cycling from Bristol to Reading along the Kennet and Avon Canal path (about 100 miles).

On 4th August, Pete’s wife Mim, completed the Ride London 100 event. A 100-mile cycle in and around London.

Mim took part in the Ride London 100

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