Our charity is registered with the Charity Commission (registered charity number 1049600) and full details can be found on the Charity Commission website including past annual reports and accounts: Click here to see the full details
We are also registered with the Fundraising Regulator and adhere to the Fundraising Code of practice: Click here to see the full details
We have a corporate Trustee, as have most NHS charities, and that is Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust. In order to keep charity matters separate from exchequer matters the Trustee has set up a separate Charitable Funds Committee which includes non-exec Directors (NEDS), Executive Directors and senior members of staff, to deal with all charity matters.
The charity’s goal is to provide equipment and services that go beyond the NHS budget for patients, staff and visitors. We work hard with the hospital to ensure that the charity is not plugging the gaps, but is funding innovative and exciting projects that make a real difference to the lives of patients and their families and the staff who treat them.
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