
Lottery players help brighten up Children’s Radiology

Lottery players help brighten up Children’s Radiology

Thanks to the regular support of our generous lottery players, we have worked with the Radiology team on a recent project to brighten up the children and young people’s X-ray room at Frimley Park.

Radiology expressed their desire to help our younger patients feel at ease in the x-ray department, so Kelly Meaden, a radiographer based at Frimley Park, helped design the colourful mural.

The room was completed over night ensuring no disruptions to scheduled appointments, and straight away children loved the distraction of looking at the skeleton, the fishes, and the birds!

As well as proving a success with the children, the team are excited with this refresh, expressing their love for the bright colours and feel of the room. ‘It’s amazing what a bit of artwork can do to a room’ says Lindsay Masson, Radiology Site Lead.

Our weekly lottery costs £1 a week per ticket and allows players to support projects like this one whilst getting a chance to win a cash prize, ranging from £5 up to £10,000, from the comfort of your own home. Signing up is simple and you can do so here.

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