
HRH The Countess of Wessex met NHS heroes from the front line

HRH The Countess of Wessex met NHS heroes from the front line

The Countess joined the charity and volunteers from the Army’s neighbouring Cadet Training Centre Frimley Park as they packed more than 100 bags with fruit, vegetables, coffee and treats.

She then helped transport them to the hospital’s education centre and presented them to grateful hospital staff.

Many of those caring for patients with Covid-19 are working long hours and struggle to get the provisions they need from shops.

So for weeks, local businesses and individuals have rallied around, collecting and making amazing donations in support of NHS staff.

The Countess, who lives at nearby Bagshot Park, spent more than two hours working alongside Trust and military volunteers.

Jackie Almond, a senior sister in Frimley Park’s radiology department, welcomed the Countess’s support and thanked people for their donations.

She said: “It’s a lovely gesture and it’s nice that she has come to help.

“I think the support from the public has been amazing.”

The Countess is colonel-in-chief and patron of the QARANC Association, which supports past and serving members of the Queen Alexandra Royal Army Nursing Corps.

Some corps personnel are based at Frimley Park as part of the Ministry of Defence’s Joint Hospital Group (South East).

She also met student nurses training to join the hospital’s front line in the fight against the coronavirus.

Janet King, Frimley Health’s director of HR and corporate services, leads on staff wellbeing.

She said: “We are extremely grateful to The Countess of Wessex for coming to Frimley Park today to support our staff.

“The coronavirus is the biggest test the NHS has ever faced and our colleagues are working extremely hard to provide the best patient care.

“I know they will appreciate her support.”

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