The ICS has strong relationships and trust across both health and local authorities, who have been working together in a successful system-based partnership since 2016.
All parties are committed to act together with and for our population and our communities to improve their overall health and care outcomes.
Within the ICS, there are five registered Trust Charities, three of which are on the ICS Partnership Board. These are Berkshire Healthcare Foundation Trust, Frimley Health Foundation Trust, and Surrey and Borders Partnership Foundation Trust (SABP). The other two are South Central Ambulance Trust and South East Coast Ambulance Trust.
Frimley Health and Care ICS Partnership Board agreed to Frimley Health Charity being the receiving Trust charity due to its broad presence across the ICS.
Frimley Health and Care Integrated Care System covers a population of over 800,000 people and consists of 30 statutory bodies, including:
•1 Commissioning Collaborative
•1 Acute Trust
•5 Places and 15 Primary Care Networks
•2 Mental Health Providers
•2 County Councils
•3 Community Providers
•3 Unitary Authorities
•2 Ambulance Trusts
•5 District and Borough Councils
•2 Out of Hours Providers
Each of the 5 places across the ICS have identified projects that will benefit their communities based on either the impact of COVID19, engagement with the local population or on specific local need, alongside voluntary sector partners.
Providing one to one support to their Black Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) population via health and wellbeing prescribers to mitigate the effect of COVID-19
Support safe discharges by developing and expanding the Red Cross Home from Hospital scheme with the learning during COVID19 around supporting those at risk or vulnerable with food parcels upon discharge.
Support their community reaching out and setting up an Older Peoples New Opportunities Consortium.
Provide technology to those who don’t have access to it, and support to enable people to access services and join social groups who meet virtually.
Identified local projects which stimulate and support local voluntary charities and wider groups to flourish and support local communities through an innovation fund.
Build knowledge and provide equipment to Enhanced Community First Responders (CFR)- not currently supported by statutory funding.
With an ambitious strategy and aims of building a different relationship with communities and staff will enable us to design and deliver solutions together resulting in the biggest impact for local communities.
Promoting wellbeing, maintaining independence, reducing social isolation, particularly during and coming out of shielding from COVID19 and supporting to carers.