
A much needed wellbeing room for A & E staff opens

A much needed wellbeing room for A & E staff opens

A vison to create and support her team, Dr Lianne Geddes Consultant Emergency Medicine opened the charity wellbeing room today

Over the past year, Dr Geddes and her team needed a space to go and  reflect and calm during some what can be explained as extraordinarily hard and emotional shifts.

An office was found, the charity approached and plan put together.

Your funding has meant we can make the vision a reality.

Dr Geddes and Neil Dardis

The room was used immediately and has already proved a great asset and necessity to the 400 strong team.


Artwork already created

Today, we cut the ribbon and even had a wonderful cake made by one of the Healthcare assistants in ITU.  Lianne said;

“Thank you so much to the charity, Neil Dardis and her colleagues for supporting the idea.  Staff use the room all hours of the day and night and it really does help mental health when needed the most. The room offers beautiful lighting, arts and safety. Thank you all to our community for helping to fund this.   We can’t thank you enough”.

The opening celebrated the start of the A & E wellbeing teams week of activities!

Wellbeing cake made by a healthcare assistant

Neil Dardis was delighted to attend:

” Wow!  It looks amazing and so important, not just now but always.  Caring for our staff and our patients is what we to do”.

The charity worked hard on the project from the start with clearing and decorating the room, furniture and scenery.  The art activities are fantastic form of calm and mental wellbeing.  Next we are on to help create a small courtyard for them in July.  The team really are wonderful to work with, passionate and caring for all.  Now we want to care for them.

Any donations to help to make a beautiful space we will be truly grateful. Get in contact to find out more.

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