
£851,645.88 raised so far!!

£851,645.88 raised so far!!

£851,645.88 raised of £1,070,000.00 goal

Thank you so much and we are so grateful for your continued support.
Staff are also raising funds in their spare time as they are the ones who know this new unit will make such a difference!
All this money WILL be spent on new unit!  It will include outdoor facilities (special paving, raised flower beds and steps) that will help to improve the patients’ mobility and provide a more interesting form of exercise and environment for the patients.
We will be able to have a hairdresser come in and have space other than at the side of the bed.  Counsellors and therapists will be able to have an area of privacy with their patient.  Artist and musicians will be able to work with therapy and continue the road to recovery.

We just want to enhance the lives of those suffering and their loved ones.

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