Heatherwood Hospital

Donate to Heatherwood Hospital. By donating or setting up a regular gift today, you will be supporting Heatherwood Hospital.

Frimley Health Charity

Your support helps us get new projects off the ground and to a greater level than would have otherwise been possible. By purchasing the latest cutting-edge equipment in our drive for excellence and helping us create calm surroundings to help reduce stress felt by many vulnerable patients, we will be able to improve lives across Heatherwood Hospital for our patients, staff, and visitors.

Should you wish, you can also direct your donation to support a specific ward or project at Heatherwood Hospital, please indicate this when making your donation. We’d love to know if you have a special reason for making your donation and if you have been fundraising, how the money was raised.

Thank for supporting Heatherwood Hospital.


It is clear that the local community is proud of Heatherwood’s history and would like high quality hospital services to remain at the site for the foreseeable future. That is what we want too and we believe our vision provides the best chance of delivering them. The new hospital is due to open in 2021

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Frimley Health Charity’s sole purpose is to enhance the care of patients in our hospitals above and beyond that provided by the NHS. We work hard with the hospitals to ensure that the charity is providing the added extras that genuinely enhance the healthcare available to your local community in a way that would not otherwise be possible.

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