Supporter Story – London Marathon Runner Rosie Reading
27 April 2018
27 April 2018
“I completed the marathon in 4hrs29! It was extremely tough in those conditions but I enjoyed it and feel a real sense of achievement.
By mile 8 or 9 there were already casualties on the roads being seen to by paramedics – I think people ignored the advice around slowing your pace due to hot weather. I remember being very fixated on maintaining good hydration, there was very little shade throughout the whole course. I fell over around mile 18 due to tired legs but continued to run with little stopping – apart from a slightly bruised palm, I have escaped with no blisters and maybe one or two black toe nails!
I said at the end “NEVER AGAIN” but already two days later I am wondering what I should apply to next. The crowds were incredible. I saw many friends along the way which made the experience for me. My family were following and cheering me from home, my uncle and auntie in Canada got up early to watch my final 5k and were shouting at the tv. My dad and Uncle are keen runners, dad has done London x3 and my Uncle/Auntie have ran 25 marathons. My family have been very encouraging and supportive.
Overall I raised £1400 for charity which is fantastic.”
Rosie ran the London Marathon to raise money for the Children’s Critical Care Appeal at Wexham Park Hospital, part of the Frimley Health Charity. The money she helped raised will enable us to buy essential equipment used for the monitoring and diagnosing conditions such as asthma in children. Asthma currently affects 1 in 11 children in the UK. Every 20 minutes, a child is admitted to hospital because of an asthma attack. Slough still has one of the highest admission rates in the UK for asthma.
Rosies hard work in her training for the London Marathon consisted of many post work runs, as well as a long run every weekend – minimum of 13 up to 20 miles! That’s a half marathon every weekend, come rain or shine… But she kept pushing knowing that all this hard work would be worth while if if helped raise as much as possible for this valuable service!
There are plenty of opportunities for you to take part in an event for Frimley Health Charity and just like Rosie, make a real difference in improving patients lives and their families.