Fundraising Promise

Your support makes a real difference for patients at Frimley Health Trust. Whether providing day to day comforts for patients and their families to funding state-of-the-art equipment, it simply couldn’t be achieved without you.

So you have the right to know that you can trust us to be honest and open and treat you with respect.  Here is our fundraising promise to you.

We promise to:

  • make sure our fundraising follows good practice, is ethical and legal
  • always comply with the Fundraising Regulator’s Code of Practice
  • keep your contact details safe and never sell or swap them
  • to keep our administrative costs as low as possible
  • contact you in the way you have agreed and send you invitations and information that we think will be of interest
  • listen if you have a concern or complaint and respond fully, learning from any misunderstandings or mistakes to ensure they don’t happen again
  • keep you up to date with how support like yours improves patient care
  • make our annual review and accounts clear and easy to understand

You can expect:

  • support from us with your fundraising activities.
  • not to be under pressure to fundraise or donate more than you want.
  • that if you tell us something isn’t right, that we will put it right if we can.
  • that we will always be grateful for your support.
  • That you will be kept informed of how your donations are used through our website and newsletter
  • to manage the way we communicate with you, whether by post, email, phone or SMS.

Like to talk to us?

Our team is always happy to help.  You can call the office on 0300 615 3206, weekdays between 9am and 5pm.
Or you can email us at  We’d love to hear from you.

If you’d like to raise a concern

Your views are important to us and we take them seriously.  We are committed to high standards in everything that we do, but realise that sometimes things can go wrong and that not everyone will agree with everything we do. If you would like to raise a concern, make a complaint – or even pass on a compliment – you can do so using this procedure.

Read our privacy statement to see how we collect and manage information about you, and how to change your communication preferences.


Your support provides so many things that help your local hospital go above and beyond the NHS for sick and vulnerable people.

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